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Rights Holder (Optional)

A person or organization owning or managing rights over the resource(e.g. Herb Topy; The Ohio State University)

Rights Holder Example
Property Value
Label Rights Holder
DPLA Propertydcterms:rightsholder
DescriptionA person or organization owning or managing rights over the resource
ExampleHerb Topy; The Ohio State University
MARC Mapping542 subfield d
NotesSince, for the most part, people and organizations are not typically assigned URIs, a person or organization holding rights over a resource would be named using a text string. People and organizations sometimes have websites, but URLs for these are not generally appropriate for use in this context, since they are not clearly identifying the person or organization, but rather the location of a website about them.
Property Glossary
Index of Properties
Label The unique name used in the Metadata Application Profile.
Status Status labels for elements can include Required, Recommended, and Optional.
Description Brief description of the element.
Refines The Dublin Core metadata field of which the described term is a sub-property.
Repeatable ‘YES’ means that a field may be used multiple times in an item record.
‘NO’ means that a field can onlt be used once in an item record.
Controlled Vocab/Syntax Recommended vocabulary for element, if available.
(For data quality and consistency)
DC 1.1 Mapping The Dublin Core element to which the metadata field name maps.
MARC Mapping The MARC field to which the Dublin Core metadata is crosswalked.
Notes Applicable notes for the element.
Example Examples of best practices for the described field.