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Getting Started

Preparing Your Collection

The first step to preparing for harvest is to make sure that your collection is ready. All metadata must meet the requirements found in the ODN Metadata Application Profile (MAP). If you have any questions about the MAP requirements, please contact us.

MAP Guide (PDF)

As you review the MAP, here are a few important things to keep in mind:

Required Fields

The two required fields you’ll need to manually add to your data are Title and Standardized Rights Statement. We can’t add these fields for you, and in the case of the Standardized Rights Statement field, you’ll need to strictly adhere to the field requirements. See Required Fields for more detailed formatting requirements.

The other required fields (Data Provider, Collection, Is Shown At, and Preview) are derived fields. This means we’ll automatically add them to your metadata in the process of harvest and transformation. You don’t need to add these fields in your metadata.

Recommended Fields

Check all of your metadata fields for quality. ODN will not always check – or alert you to – the metadata quality issues in every field. Consider checking spelling, consistency, and controlled vocabularies. See the Recommended Fields Formatting Requirements section for more information about these fields.

After checking all of your metadata fields for accuracy, list each of your metadata fields that you want to appear in DPLA. Match each of these fields to a field on the ODN MAP. While it may seem that some fields are obvious matches, please list all of your fields. This helps us ensure your data is correctly delivered to DPLA. Be prepared to include this list in the survey linked below.

Check Your OAI Feed And Settings

See OAI Settings for detailed instructions on these processes:

  • Make sure your OAI-PHM feed is set to share metadata.
  • Make sure you are not sending page level records.
  • If possible, remove deleted records from your feed.

After you complete these steps, and feel your metadata is ready for harvest, please fill out the DPLA Collection Submission form.

Please direct metadata questions to Penelope Shumaker, Metadata Librarian at