Extent (Optional)
Size or duration of described resource(e.g. 21 minutes; 899 kb; 250 pages; 35 mm)
Property | Value |
Label | Extent |
DPLA Property | dcterms:extent |
Description | Size or duration of described resource |
Example | 21 minutes; 899 kb; 250 pages; 35 mm |
Refines | dc:format |
Repeatable | Yes |
Qualified DC Mapping | dc.format.extent |
MARC Mapping | 300 subfield a; 533 subfield e |
Notes | Because the refinement Extent is used in a variety of situations, it generally consists of both a numeric value and a caption that is needed to interpret the numeric value. Best practice is to separate the numeric value and the caption with a space, whether the caption appears before or after the value. |
Index of Properties | |
Label | The unique name used in the Metadata Application Profile. |
Status | Status labels for elements can include Required, Recommended, and Optional. |
Description | Brief description of the element. |
Refines | The Dublin Core metadata field of which the described term is a sub-property. |
Repeatable | ‘YES’ means that a field may be used multiple times in an item record. ‘NO’ means that a field can onlt be used once in an item record. |
Controlled Vocab/Syntax | Recommended vocabulary for element, if available. (For data quality and consistency) |
DC 1.1 Mapping | The Dublin Core element to which the metadata field name maps. |
MARC Mapping | The MARC field to which the Dublin Core metadata is crosswalked. |
Notes | Applicable notes for the element. |
Example | Examples of best practices for the described field. |