ffSchool yearbooks can be used for family genealogy, but are a great resource for local history research as well. This week we are looking at a 1926 school yearbook from Columbus’ Crestview School, “The Crest-View-Point”.

Part of the Columbus Metropolitan Library’s Columbus and Ohio Yearbook Collection, the Crest-View-Point includes photos of students and faculty from the 1926 school year, along with group classroom photos, information about participants in school clubs and sports teams, pieces of short fiction, school history, and even faculty roasts. It’s really quite a read!

An added bonus for the local historian is the section of advertising pages in the back of the yearbook. With ads from florists, dentists, grocers, and more, it’s a useful snapshot of what the area around Crestview School looked like in 1926. For instance – the printer of this yearbook, The Press of Hollenback, was located in a building that is now the site of the Wright-Patt Credit Union at 3134 N. High Street.

Built in 1915, Crestview School was renovated and renamed in 2008 and reopened as Indianola Informal in 2009.