Have you ever gotten a job and been handed a training manual on your first day? Well guess what, the legislators of Ohio have that, too! Thanks to the Legislative Service Commission, incoming members of the Ohio General Assembly have a guide that not only informs them of the history of government in Ohio and protocol and practices for today, but also covers more pedestrian topics such as health insurance, retirement accounts, and where to park at the Statehouse.
Published in updated editions every two years, the new information is ready for all incoming and returning Senators and Representatives. Because this Guidebook is published by the State of Ohio, that means it’s also available for free to any and all. The Guidebook for Ohio Legislators can be a great resource for learning what your legislator does on a day to day basis and what professional and ethical standards their elected positions are held to.
And while the Legislative Service Commission has the most current edition on their website at all times, the State Library of Ohio houses former editions, both in print and online. You can view the online editions at any time on DPLA, or visit and read them in person at the State Library in Columbus.